Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 1 Bloggity Blog

I can't set a goal, and then not report on how the first day went. I am happy to say that today I spent an hour working on my novel. I am thinking of coming up with some kind of point system based on the amount of time each day that I work on my writing. I get 1 point for each hour I spend on my writing. If I miss a day, I lose 1 full point. I need to figure out how to put up some sort of counter on my blog to keep track. When I get to 10 points I will treat myself to something. Not sure what. Any ideas? Anyway, I am encouraged that I followed through on day one. Next stop day 2. If there is something that I know about goals is that they get harder as you go. Gotta stay focused!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

As If I Didn't Have Enough to Do.

My wife just asked me how one starts a blog. I suppose asking that question is as good a way to start as any. I have reached that point where a creative output is necessary for my continued sanity. So, I said to myself "Hey Self! Why not start a blog?" To which I replied, "Why?" To which I replied, "I dunno. Sounds kinda cool." Sooooooooo. Here I am filling cyberspace with fluff and drivel for my own entertainment. For those of you who are my family and friends (and I am positive that the three people that read this will fall into one of those categories), you already know me so I won't be filling cyberspace with things about me that you already know. Plus that cuts down a little on the whole identity theft thing. For those of you who don't know me. Well, you won't be reading this blog anyhow. So without further adoodoo. The title of the blog is "Whole Life Crisis," because, I realized the other day that it has seemed to me that my whole life has been one long mid-life-crisis. As I don't see an end to that trend anywhere in sight, I thought the title appropriate. As I sat at work the other day and let my mind wander (Working in a circuit board factory provides ample opportunity for walkabouts of the brain), I was struck with the absurdity of what I was doing. My whole life I have pursued in one form or another "the arts." One could say that I am a bit artsy fartsy. Though one would probably feel silly saying something like "fartsy" in public. I realized that though my job is good, I kind of like it, and I am thankful to be working at all in this economy, it is light years from where I imagined myself to be at the ripe old age of 30 minus 1. I then asked myself, "Hey Self! Why aren't you pursuing your dreams?" To which I replied, "I don't know." Well, that "I don't know" has been hanging heavily in the air ever since and it bothers me like an itch on the bottom of the foot while wearing ski boots. So maybe I will use this blog to document the journey of a man who tries to alleviate his whole life crisis by doing something about his dreams. Don't worry, I am not going to quit school and work and hit the road as a traveling folk singer (Though the thought has occurred to me from time to time.) What I am speaking of is writing. I have always wanted to write a novel. Everyone's dream right? Pie in the sky right? I can just see the collective masses of the internet all rolling their eyes at me simultaneously as they read that sentence. Well, poo on you. I'm going to do it, and I am going to write about doing it. So I am going to write, and then I am going to write about writing, and then I am going to read what I wrote etc... It could be that I am a no talent hack. In fact, it is likely that I am a no talent hack, but at the end of the day, if I fail, it will not be because I did not try. If I do not get published, it will not be because I did not write a novel. It will be because I spewed 300 pages of crap into a word document. There remains however, the small glimmer of hope that I might have a little bit of talent. Whats more there might be a publishing company somewhere that says "Sure, we will publish this. We will even pay you." After all...there is a fish that flies.